Jun/30/2014A grandmaster must look on the other side of the fence, he owes that to his students
In the summer nothing can keep me in the house, I have to get outside, train outdoors, take our dachshund for a walk or drive my old, red MGA roadster.
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Jun/01/2014Internal Farce – videos that embarrass us all
The martial arts having fortunately undergone a more reality-based development in recent decades (cage-fights, MMA etc.), we are now witnessing – as was to be expected – an extreme countermovement by directionless dreamers.
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May/01/2014The contradiction that does not exist
Many students, even instructors and highly graded teachers, are confused by the content imparted to them during lessons in recent years: for a number of years the initial emphasis was on softly giving way, i.e. on adaptation.
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Now the management team appears to have embarked on a different course, preaching and teaching the exact opposite. -
Mar/31/2014Skiing versus fighting
This is a guest editorial by my late mentor Prof. Horst Tiwald. It comes from our voluminous and extensive email correspondence, whose content would normally have been material for discussion for many, many years in other circumstances.
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Feb/28/2014Continuation of my editorial of last month
On yet again perusing the several thousand pages of correspondence we exchanged, I happened across an early email from my mentor, Prof. Horst Tiwald.
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Feb/05/2014Self-defence has little to do with martial sports
This subject crops up again and again in classes and seminars. And as it is of essential importance for an understanding of our WingTsun, and consequently how we teach it, I have set the case out for everybody to read in my "Course book: Internal WingTsun" which will be published shortly (in German first).
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Jan/01/2014Use of dummy-knives to improve the "Big 7 capabilities"
To start the New Year I want to give you the benefit of a guest editorial by DaiSifu Dr. Oliver König, who in his own words sheds light on a frequently discussed topic, namely the whys and wherefores of training with practice-knives. Here is what he writes:
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Nov/30/2013WingTsun – yesterday and tomorrow • Interview instead of editorial – part 4
Read moreYou often distinguish between the WingTsun or Wing Chun that we know and that which we do not know, the one that is already a reality for you as a visionary and developer, and with which you experiment, but which for the vast majority of your students who are not in day-to-day contact with you still remains remote and just a promise for the future.
Oct/31/2013"BlitzDefence" – Interview instead of editorial – part 3
We wanted to talk about your "BlitzDefence" method. How did the idea come about?
Anybody who has practiced WT for many years should have developed sufficient means of self-defence. Things are quite different for those …
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Sep/30/2013"Everything important is taught in the very first lesson!" – Interview instead of editorial – part 2
Read moreAs promised, here is the continuation of the interview – giving up-to-date answers to further important questions.