Jun/08/2017It's Ip Man's fault!
It's all Ip Man's fault – the one in the films, not the real Yip Man! Yes, the real-life grandmaster called himself Yip Man, not Ip Man, but that is another story. At least I believe that Ip Man is to blame for the expectations of what "real" WingTsun (or Wing Chun or Ving Tsun etc.) should look like. When teaching I sometimes joke as I explain something, by saying: "See, that's the right way to do it, because Ip Man does the very same in the film …"
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Apr/30/2017Fascination of WingTsun
You are in the cinema watching a martial arts film, and are amazed at the ease with which the star makes his moves. At his elegance and speed when executing his defensive moves, high kicks and hand techniques, all of them smooth and precise. It all looks so easy, and every blow finds its target.
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Apr/14/2017Maximum Know-how!
The grandiose 40th anniversary seminar last year was an event with many superlatives. The huge number of participants broke every previous record. One spectacular highlight was followed by the next. Whether the extensive range of seminars with numerous visiting instructors or the accompanying events, all those who were there agree that it might only be topped by the 50th anniversary celebrations!
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But even though there is no anniversary to celebrate this year, the 2017 International Seminar is set to become a very special event as well! -
Mar/03/2017Talking and fighting
A dialogue between someone who teaches fighting and someone who writes about it, about a well-known analogy which is still often used by WT teachers: you learn WT as you learn a foreign language.
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Feb/03/2017Grading examinations in the EWTO
Dear readers,
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the month is coming to a close and I am in Kiel just after the instructor seminar weekend. I have to go and see SiFu soon, who is teaching at his mini-iWT school in Dänische Straße, but first let me pen a few lines to you. -
Dec/31/2016An outlook on the next EWTO year
After a few days of rest and relaxation with my family, I am looking forward to the new year with WingTsun and its many new projects. Here is a brief outlook:
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Dec/02/2016After the seminar is before the seminar
The year is drawing to a close. A few days ago I was able to take a brief look at the new print edition of WingTsunWorld. Naturally this has another report on the superb grand anniversary seminar with which we celebrated 40 years of the EWTO together this year. At the same time the year-end means that we take a look ahead – to future events such as the next International Seminar.
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Nov/03/2016The Main Thing
In a "20-minute editorial" for November, Grandmaster Kernspecht reiterates the essential points that must be observed during any movement in WingTsun.
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Oct/05/2016BlitzFight – A new section within the EWTO
As already announced in the interview at the 40th anniversary celebrations, we will open up a new section within the EWTO from 2017: BlitzFight.
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Many school owners already have their own classes to which have given names such as "Fit4Fight", "FightFit", "Sparring class" or similar. The aim of our "BlitzFight" concept is to raise this area to a higher quality level and standardise it throughout the EWTO. -
Aug/31/2016Handling contradictions
"But SiFu, in the last lesson you showed us how we can neutralise an attack by softly giving way. Today you want us to practice countering the opponent's attack with power and stability. So which one is right? Hard or soft? Giving way or resisting? I have frequently been asked these and similar questions during my teaching activities. My answer is always "Both are correct. It depends on the situation".
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