WingTsun News
International Wing Chun Competition in Fo Shan
10 Medals for Master Stanislav Bagalev's Students – Asen Asenov with 3 Gold and 2 Silver Medals and Rosen Bizerov with 2 Gold, 1 Silver, and 2 Bronze Medals!
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Late but very welcome recognition
"Late but very welcome recognition," a gratified GM Keith R. Kernspecht thought as he opened the large envelope from Hong Kong. It contained a brand-new certificate appointing him a 10th Level Grandmaster of Leung Ting WingTsun.
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Fighter or warrior
"What will you do with all that power, boys?"
Perhaps you have also asked yourself this question when the adrenalin starts to surge again. Let me describe my very personal experiences on the subject.My name is Mathias, 7th SG in WingTsun, born in 1971, father of two children and working as a personal coach. When I started learning WingTsun in 2006 (with breaks for babies), my SiFu Oliver Hage, 5th PG asked me during a private lesson whether I knew the difference between a fighter and a warrior.
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Aug/08/2012Using fight logic in the monkey-dance
In my forthcoming book Fight Logic, I am examining the phenomenon of human combat and explain the concept, principles and techniques of WingTsun (WT) as we interpret and use them in the European WingTsun Organisation (EWTO).
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Interview with Sifu Stefan Crnko about the “BlitzCombat” WingTsun-Programme
After having seen the demonstration of Stefan Crnko for "BlitzCombat" the WingTsun-World redaction wanted to know more about him und what he is doing.
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Similarities between safe driving and WingTsun
In November 2006 Sifu Thorsten Elge, 4th TG, took part in a driver safety training course held by Germanys largest motoring organisation (ADAC). From the start he was struck by the similarities to WingTsun, as he reports below.
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Performing the Chum-Kiu correctly (Part 5)
Dai-Si-Fu Giuseppe Schembri provides hints on performing the fourth part of the Chum-Kiu form correctly.
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Better is the enemy of good
Having had a number of angry e-mails buzzing around my ears as reactions to my recent article
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“ChiKung strengthens WingTsun“, I would like to pursue the matter a little further. -
Performing the Chum-Kiu correctly (Part 4)
Dai-Si-Fu Giuseppe Schembri provides hints on performing the third part of the Chum-Kiu correctly.
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Performing the Chum-Kiu correctly
Dai-Si-Fu Giuseppe Schembri provides hints on performing the first part of the Chum-Kiu form correctly.
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