Full of skill or stuffed with knowledge? – Markus Senft

Markus Senft, Chief Editor WT-Welt, on the debate initiated by Grandmaster Kernspecht concerningn the value of Chi-Sao in WingTsun ...

Your concerted counteraction is important for the development of our WT

Dear Si-Fu,
Your editorials and the accompanying lessons are unbelievably important for the development of our WT. While it is not the case that you or Si-Gung have ever said anything different, a process of systemisation and templates (which is of course necessary for well-known reasons) clearly develops a dangerous impetus of its own which can lead to the (teaching) techniques being confused with the actual learning goal. The more the teaching programmes are standardised, the stronger this tendency seems to become.
This will always attract negative comment from some people who are more familiar with the reality of combat than others. As you have said many times, many WT people are in danger of making the mistakes of which they once accused other styles.
That is why your concerted counteraction is so important.

Best wishes
