WingTsun International: The Netherlands
Sifu Frank Schäfer, 6th PG WT, has now been responsible for spreading WingTsun as the national instructor for the Netherlands for the last 20 years. For almost as long he has been supported in this by his wife, Lady-Sifu Petra Schäfer, 5th PG WT.
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State reception in Bulgaria for WT grandmaster Kernspecht
On the invitation of the Bulgarian government, which intended to honour him publicly for his achievements, the head of the European WingTsun Organisation, Prof. Dr. h.c. Kernspecht and his wife Sigrun paid an unscheduled visit to the capital of Sofia on 11th, 12th and 13th April 2006.
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WingTsun International: Monaco
In 2001 Sifu Cosimo My, 4th TG WT, who heads several successful WT schools in Germany, accepted the challenge to make WingTsun a permanent fixture in the martial arts scene in Monaco.
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Hitting the opponent without being hit oneself
It was time for the third Technician Week with Sifu Frank Schmalz at the WT Academy in Kiel. For four days we would be practicing the technician sections for all we were worth.
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The WT school next door: Schwarzenberg, Annaberg, Stollberg and Zschopau
Sifu Andreas Goldhahn opened his first WT school in Schwarzenberg in 1989, and has created a small association of local schools.
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Prevention of violence for childrens/youth groups
Interview with Sifu Roy Schirdewahn during the second seminar for EWTO school owners and instructors on the subject of preventing violence for childs/youth groups at the WT Academy in Kiel.
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Seminar for school owners and instructors on the subject of: “Preventing violence for schools and childrens/youth groups“
Sifu Roy Schirdewahn presented a concept on the subject of "Preventing violence for schools and childrens/youth groups" at the last meeting of school owners on 3.10.05, and on 29.10.2005 the first seminar for EWTO instructors and school owners was held at the WT school in Lübeck.
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Sifu Bernd Wagner “An integrated Martial Artist"
WTW took the opportunity of the 15th anniversary of his WT school in Schwetzingen to conduct a detailed and very private interview with WingTsun master Sifu Bernd Wagner.
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Apr/27/2005False certificates, false entries in the visitor's book and false freemasons
Now that the EWTO has excluded an ex national instructor on the grounds of falsifying official EWTO student certificates, the visitors book on his website shows falsified, i.e. forged entries which purport to be from the Dutch (Sifu Frank Schäfer, 6th PG) and Austrian national instructors (Sifu Oliver König, 6th PG).
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Naked chest
E-Mail exchange between Grandmaster Kernspecht and an Italian WT-er
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