
First long-pole class with Grandmaster Kernspecht in Eckernförde

At the invitation of WT Master Peter Thietje, 5th PG WT, owner of the WT schools in Rendsburg and Eckernförde, Grandmaster Kernspecht came to Eckernförde to teach the first long-pole section to a new generation of students.

Since Grandmaster Leung Ting decided some time ago that the long-pole programmes can run separately from the grading syllabus, and can already be learned from 3rd TG level, eight senior Technicians from northern Germany seized this opportunity. It was with this small circle of students that Grandmaster Kernspecht honoured his promise to introduce these very advanced programmes personally at the school of his To-Dai.

In an excellent mood, Grandmaster Kernspecht not only taught the movements and a number of additional strengthening exercises with the long-pole, but also related some of his training experiences during the last 25 years. He also discussed the history of the long-pole and explained its principles and effects with reference to weaponless WT.

Towards the end Grandmaster Kernspecht was prevailed upon to give a demonstration of his skill with Sifu Peter Thietje, and the participants were particularly impressed by the playful ease with which he controlled the almost three metre-long pole.

Owing to the great success of this seminar, it was immediately decided that another session in a hopefully long series of long-pole classes would be held as soon as time allowed.

By Frank Aichlseder