Hamburg seminar with GM Kernspecht
At the beginning of October GGM Kernspecht was invited to hold a grading seminar in the WT metropolis of Hamburg. This time Sifu Jan Peter Busch had invited GM Kernspecht to the WT school in Jenfeld, eastern Hamburg, to give his "Northern Lights" some professional instruction. Accordingly it was no surprise that most of the senior WingTsun Technicians from Hamburg and surroundings (e.g. Wilhelmshaven, Lübeck etc.) came together there to be taught by GM Kernspecht himself.
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The WT school next door: Erfurt
Holger Peter about his way as WingTsun teacher and head of a WingTsun school in Erfurt:
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The most northerly WT school in Germany
Hi, my name is Sifu Frank Ahlers and I run the most northerly WT School in Germany on the beautiful island of Sylt. I have now been learning this fascinating martial art for almost 14 years, and still consider it the most logical and effective of them all. I became acquainted with WingTsun in 1989 in my home town of Mülheim/Ruhr under Dai-Sifu H. Olbers - just when I had decided to move to Sylt. Although it is approx. 600 km from Sylt to Mülheim, I took advantage of every opportunity to attend WT training there.
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Additional seminars at the Langenzell Castle Training Academy
"Martial arts and the criminal law – a meeting of two worlds."
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Jun/01/2003The IWTO grading system
Just like the teaching system in WingTsun, the grading system has undergone further development over the course of time and been adapted to suit the relevant requirements.
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Feedback on the 2003 Assistant Instructor seminar
For the second time this year an EWTO seminar for the Assistant Instructor and Trainer 1-3 qualification took place in Wiesenbach/Langenzell over the weekend of 26th/27th April. As I intend to head a WT group in Pinkafeld for my Sifu Peter Zass, it was absolutely necessary for me to attend the seminar for assistant instructors. This was the first time I had visited the actual headquarters of the EWTO, the legendary Langenzell Castle from where Grandmaster Kernspecht operates.
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Easter seminar 2003
For more than three years the head of the international WingTsun family, GGM Leung Ting, has been working intensively on a worldwide standardisation of the WT teaching programmes. Over slightly more than 30 years he has been successfully able to make the WingTsun system of his teacher Yip Man and its then revolutionary, innovative teaching concept known throughout the world, making the International WingTsun Association the world's largest professional martial arts organisation.
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A life committed to duty
On March 6, 2003 Kurt Witt passed away at the age of 85.
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Following his retirement as a police officer at the end of 1977 he made a change to the completely new environment of the WingTsun family, taking the commercial activities of the Wu Shu-Verlag publishing house under his wing on behalf of his stepson Keith Kernspecht. The private flat occupied by the Witts became a mail-order warehouse for books, clothing and sports equipment. During the early years the membership administration was also organised from here.