
The great event is almost upon us

The preparations for the 2006 Escrima Tournament, which will take place in Mittelbuchen on Saturday, 26th August 2006, are fully under way. This will undoubtedly be THE Escrima event of the last few years.

Nor only because we are holding an event purely for Escrima and a tournament of an unprecedented nature, but also because several national teams with the best Escrima fighters in their respective countries will be taking part.
Examples include teams from Spain and England, who will be accompanied by their respective national instructors Javier Guiterrez and Andrew Cameron.
To make sure that there are no misunderstandings, the basic details of this event are repeated below.


Saturday, 26th August 2006
from 10.00 am: Doors open
from 10.30 am: Registration of attendance
approx. 11.00 am: Tournament begins
approx. 4.00 pm: Tournament ends
from 8.00 pm: Gala and final bouts
approx. 12.00 pm: Gala ends


This is included with registration, and one trainer team per team will be admitted free of charge.
Tickets costing from 10 Euro are available for spectators.


Mehrzweckhalle Mittelbuchen (near Hanau)
Zur Breulwiese/Kesselstädter Strasse
63454 Mittelbuchen
(Mittelbuchen is approx. 10 km from Frankfurt/Main and Hanau/Main.)
Directions can be obtained at:


Contestants can still register up to 20th August, but no later for organisational reasons.
Please register at: or telephone 0172-6972827.

As in previous years, an experienced team of referees will officiate during the bouts.
Escrima instructors who would like to make themselves available and have the necessary qualifications are requested to contact the organisers. Naturally they are expected to wear the appropriate clothing and may not carry out any form of coaching function.
During the tournament and gala there will be various information booths, including a display of the EFD knives. Not only the familiar models will be shown, but also special editions. In addition the fixed-blade version EFK (Escrima Fighting Knife or Escrima Fixed Knife) will be exclusively on display. This will be commercially available in the late autumn.


By Antonio Zaragoza
Photos: Peter Westermann