Oct/31/2005Mind your acids!
In the opinion of many health experts, the same harmful substances that lead to forest blight are also responsible for 90% of all human ailments. It is not only acid rain“ that has become a problem, but also over-acidification of the human body.
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Sep/29/2005Nobody is free who cannot master himself.<br>(Matthias Claudius, „Sprüche des Demophilus“)
Man, the lord of creation, is he really free in his actions?
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Jul/31/2005This is how we deal with verbal attacks
Some time ago, a reader of my book “BlitzDefence – Attack is the best Defence“ asked me how one can protect oneself against non-physical attacks in the "pre-fight" (verbal) phase, and whether the WingTsun system also has solutions to offer here.
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Jun/30/2005Guest editorial:<br>Perceiving reality – reality as a reflection of our own thoughts and emotions
Things often happen in life which we cannot explain. We ask ourselves why it is happening to us, why me and why now.
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May/31/2005Free yourself from compulsive thoughts!
While we incorrectly imagine that we are a single, permanent personality just because we have one name and one body, we are unable to change anything or observe ourselves.
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Apr/30/2005Free yourself from words that enslave you!
Noise leads to aggression
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The small word "is" bears the blame for all derangement, illusions, (self)-delusions and mental illness, and our use of grammar necessarily leads to conflict and war: -
Mar/31/2005Our society suffers from too much selfishness<br>But we can overcome this by working in three directions
Lets get down to the roots.
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First of all, lets consider the attitudes and forms of behaviour by some individuals (!) which spoil our day and obscure our vision: -
Feb/28/2005Guest editorial
Dear readers of my monthly editorials, today I would like to introduce you to something new, namely the guest editorial ...
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Jan/31/2005Why are we unable to let go?
"Why are we unable to let go? Why do we find it so difficult to free ourselves from things or circumstances which restrict and make us unfree?"
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Dec/31/2004Free yourself from the behaviour of others towards you!
Regularly observe yourself as you would an unknown being, but proceed according to a plan. For example, make a list of the forms of behaviour by others that particularly and repeatedly give you problems.
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