Practical week of the Sports Education course with emphasis on WT successfully concluded

The practical part of the 1st semester took place at the Castle during the second week in June. The topics were the first two student grades in WT (Grandmaster Kernspecht) and WT-CK (Sifu Roland Liebscher-Bracht), Karate (Sigi Wolf) and FrequenChi (Sifu Mark Tietz and Sifu Claus Kowalik).

In WT the foundation stone has now been laid for a detailed definition of the first two programmes, and the others will follow in turn. This definition will contain Grandmaster Kernspecht’s requirements for the basic structure, plus the collective views of the Masters and Technicians present. As was the case many years ago, when our Grandmaster for Europe created the student grades and grouped the WT movements into sections to produce a logical learning structure, this will strengthen and develop the common bond and cooperation within the EWTO. The more comparable the content in all our schools, the more stable the basis for our association.

In the WT-CK part the first 6 sets of the basic form were taught in detail, as well as explanations of why which movement must be as it is, and the nature of the muscular and major energy relationships. Once some of the participants had experienced the effects of acupressure and performed a number of stretching and strengthening exercises – subsequently reporting a significant reduction or elimination of pain – every last one was convinced about the quality of WT-CK.

The participants gave a similar reception to FrequenChi. This movement system, which combines basic WT and WT-CK techniques into sometimes very sophisticated motor sequences, and is accompanied by a great deal of perspiration and lively music, found many new friends. To quote a highly-graded instructor: "WT and music has never really interested me. But now that I have taken part, I have to say I’m impressed, it’s really super."

Sigi Wolf, one of Germany’s most highly graded karateka, gave an enlightening introduction to the history and development of karate. One of the most interesting aspects were his remarks about dealing with karate attacks from the WT point of view, as well as the repeated similarities and relationships between Chinese and Japanese styles in Okinawa.

As part of the course representatives of all the other well-known martial arts will introduce their style, which will no doubt significantly widen the horizon of the students. As in the recent theoretical week, the students were very impressed by the variety of the learning material, and are already looking forward to their stay in Bulgaria, where the Bulgarian professors will be introducing their material and the first part of the water sports activities will take place.