WT & Grappling in 2016
"Grappling on the ground is not a classic aspect of WingTsun,
but nowadays it is a vital part of WT self-defence."
Prof. Dr. Keith R. Kernspecht
"WT and grappling" was a major project within the EWTO in 2015. Again and again we received queries on this subject from within our own ranks – especially from school owners and teachers, but also from students.
A detailed report in the current WT World magazine has now extensively examined this topic, and within a short time we have received a great deal of positive feedback.
In 2016 we naturally intend to make further progress, and fulfil our promise in a professional manner. Here are the most important projects:
For all those who wish to experience and learn grappling at the highest level in the EWTO:
Seminar with the grappling legend GM Gokor Chivichyan
15th - 17th April in Bruchsal with Gokor Chivichyan
The EWTO is proud to be the official organiser of his German seminar – around 20 minutes' drive from Heidelberg.
Those wishing to take part should already register now!
Seminar with GM Gokor's master student Karen Darabedian
28th - 30th October in Bruchsal with Karen Darabedian
We have also managed to secure the services of GM Gokor's master student. He is one of the world's foremost grapplers, and in our experience also a very good teacher!
Instructor seminars
In the "Modern Programmes" section of the instructor seminars this year, we will be focussing on "Going to the ground" and "WT and grappling".
The ToughDays (11th - 13th March 2016) this year will also be focussing partly on this aspect.
40th anniversary of the EWTO
DaiSifu Thomas Schrön and I will be holding a class on "Fit for fight" with corresponding programme content.
Specialists in the grappling sports are expected to be attending as guest instructors!
Special EWTO seminars
A part of the seminars with DaiSifu Thomas Schrön or myself will usually be devoted to this subject as well.
Special seminars for WT & Grappling in:
Berlin on 22.05.2016
Kassel on 20.11.2016
Nordhausen on 19.11.2016
Modern teaching programmes
The modern teaching programmes will be supplemented with corresponding programme sections, though these are not compulsory for examinations.
Students who are unable to work on the ground for health reasons, or are simply unwilling to, will not be compelled to.
Nonetheless it is vital to give attention to this topic, as self-defence without a means of defence while on the ground is nowadays no longer complete!
What exercises will be taught to those learning self-defence on the ground?
1. Solo exercises
To acquire the necessary capabilities, e.g.:
• how to kick at the three levels (sagittal, frontal and horizontal) when on the ground
– "The 7 kicks"
• how to move to avoid the opponent's power
2. Technical partner exercises
• What are the greatest dangers on the ground?
• What is the WT fighter's strategy when on the ground?
• How can we transform an unfavourable position into a better one?
In technical aspects, after an extensive search, we now have a cooperative arrangement with GM Gokor Chivichyan and his Hayastan Grappling System, which is not limited to individual styles (and therefore their rules), and is accordingly the most compatible with WT.
This makes it possible for school owners, instructors and students who wish to become familiar with the subject not to be obliged to look for a teacher outside the EWTO, but rather to learn grappling at the highest level within our organisation.
3. Self-defence on the ground
Grappling is a means to an end in self-defence, and gives us a technical basis for the correct movements on the ground, and above all for training with a partner without injury.
Naturally we do not want to end up on the ground in our self-defence. And if we do so unintentionally, we want to get up again as quickly as possible.
In our self-defence, the aim is to put a stop to the opponent's actions immediately, and neutralise him before he can make use of his strengths. In the aspects of "throws and groundwork" this is done using palm-strikes, FakSao, elbows and/or kicks. Training in this area is not without its dangers, and a corresponding methodology is needed to avoid serious injuries.
Does every WingTsun student now have to learn grappling?
No! This is a supplementary programme for EWTO members! Just as nobody in the EWTO is compelled to learn Escrima or ChiKung, nobody has to learn grappling. As already mentioned, grappling is a training method as a means to an end.
But in view of the great interest shown, we want to give those who wish to do more in this area opportunities to learn grappling at the highest level from the world's best -- both safely and conveniently in the familiar atmosphere of the EWTO.
Apart from this, every WingTsun teacher should be familiar with at least a minimum of self-defence movements at the "wrestling – grappling – throwing" distances, and on the ground, otherwise the self-defence aspect is not fully covered.
I wish all EWTO members a super New Year!
GM Oliver König