BlitzFight – The newest department of the EWTO
This year GM Thomas Schrön and I started the new Blitzfight department within the EWTO. Here is a resume of all the important facts about the new department, and a brief overview of what has happened this year.
Five BlitzFight seminars for instructors
On two occasions we were guests of the 1st Bruchsal Budo Club, then we were once in Munich, once in Wuppertal and one seminar took place in Vienna. Numerous would-be BlitzFight instructors learned the first four stages (Levels 1 - 4) of the BlitzFight student programme, and the majority of them went home with the coveted assistant instructor certificate and Level 4. A few then successfully took the examination during a further seminar.
Two special seminars with GM Gokor Chivichyan and Master Karen Darabedyan
In addition to the above seminars, there was a seminar in Bruchsal with the grappling legend Grandmaster Gokor Chivichyan, the chief instructor of the Hayastan Grappling System from Los Angeles, and at the end of the year one of his master students, Karen Darabedyan, will teach in Munich, Vienna and Salzburg. This means that our students here in Europe can learn from the professionals from the USA without the major financial and time investment of a trip to the USA. Upcoming seminars with Master Karen Darabedyan this year:
Vienna: 12th/13th December 2017 Small group
Salzburg: 14th December 2017 Small group
Munich: 15th December 2017 Small group
16th/17th December 2017 Seminar (NB: Note the location!)
Reservations for the small group sessions in Germany should be sent to
Those for Austria to
Limited number of participants!
We are already looking forward to the seminar with GM Gokor Chivichyan over the Whitsun weekend.
Wiesenbach: 19th - 21st May 2018
This is where the Grandmaster Seminar for the new, inner style will also take place with the "Puppetmaster". The time allocation is as follows:
Mornings: Grappling with Sensei Gokor Chivichyan
Afternoons: Inner style with the "Puppetmaster"
These seminars are separate from each other, however they can easily be combined thanks to the allocated times. Reservation forms can be downloaded here. (from Thursday on)
BlitzFight students grades, certificates, student grade badges
The BlitzFight student grade certificates are now ready. Official BlitzFight schools are already entitled to hold the first examination (Level 1) locally this year. Next year this will be extended to further student grades.
First new licences for BlitzFight schools
The first school owners have now organised BlitzFight classes. The new department is beginning to grow.
Further training in the USA
Not only the BlitzFight instructors have to stay on the ball, as we too are taking further training. Twice each year GM Thomas Schrön and I travel to the Hayastan MMA Academy in the USA for two weeks, where we deepen our knowledge under Sensei Gokor Chivichyan and his master students.
What is planned for 2018?
The EWTO calendar for 2018 is ready, and numerous BlitzFight seminars are planned. On the one hand, programmes 5 - 9 will be taught to existing BlitzFight assistant instructors, and on the other we will be repeating programmes 1 – 4 for new instructors, i.e. we will work with two different groups.
Here are the dates:
10./11.03.18 Bruchsal
26./27.05.18 Munich
09./10.06.18 Vienna
07.10.18 Berlin (NB: only 1 day, participation in two days of teaching
is necessary to obtain approval to teach!)
20./21.10.18 Bruchsal
Found a suitable Xmas present yet?
The new rashguards will become available before Xmas. Here is an advance photo. It will shortly be possible to place advance orders with the EWTO Shop. There will also be fight shorts and tights in the same design.
There will soon be a BlitzFight internet site at, with details about the new department, all official schools, dates etc. to keep you informed.
All those who require further information about the new department should refer to my editorial of 05.10.2016.
See you soon!
We are looking forward to sharing our knowledge with you!
Your GM Oliver König
Fotos: ok/Pusse/EWTO-Versand/Mennen