BlitzFight – A new section within the EWTO
As already announced in the interview at the 40th anniversary celebrations, we will open up a new section within the EWTO from 2017: BlitzFight.
Many school owners already have their own classes to which have given names such as "Fit4Fight", "FightFit", "Sparring class" or similar. The aim of our "BlitzFight" concept is to raise this area to a higher quality level and standardise it throughout the EWTO.
What's behind BlitzFight?
In the future, BlitzFight will become a seal of quality for the schools taking part through systematic specialist instructor training, structured teaching programmes and first-class know-how.
The target group consists of students who enjoy sparring, grappling, a hard workout, functional physical training etc. – i.e. usually younger, movement-oriented people.
We want to give them a solid basis with BlitzFight.
There is no room for the "more sporty" aspects in our WingTsun training with its modern content subsumed under BlitzDefence, as we do not wish to water down our specialisation in "self-defence".
There are ways of defending oneself on the ground in the WT and BlitzDefence programmes, e.g. with kicks, eye-jabs, elbow and knee strikes etc., but full-blown training in grappling is not needed for this. There is however provision for this in the new EWTO section!
For those interested, a school owner can arrange an additional class (or already has one) in which the students can practice a vigorous hour sparring and grappling etc. Physical exercises such as warm-ups, stretching, functional strengthening, stamina etc. can also be included in this class.
Who will project BlitzFight-Know-how?
The new section will be headed by GM Thomas Schrön and myself. To ensure the commensurate quality "on the ground", we have secured the services of Sensei Gokor and his teacher GM Gene LeBell as partners who will actively support us with their know-how.
BlitzFight will therefore be a distinctive discipline, a combination of our WT, iWT, well-proven concepts from Kaicho Jon Bluming and Sensei Gokor's Hayasten Grappling System.
From next year there will be specialist instructor seminars in Heidelberg, Munich, Wuppertal, Vienna and Berlin for all interested school owners – and their assistants/instructors if they do not wish to teach BlitzFight themselves. These will give an introduction to the new section, the first student grade programmes will be absolved and the first dedicated instructors will be nominated. Further details will follow in due course.
We will not be holding any ToughDays in 2017, as they will be replaced by the new BlitzFight seminars. But have no fear, the training will be just as tough.
Dates for BlitzFight in 2017
Venue | Date | Event |
Heidelberg | 11/12.03. | Specialist instructor seminar |
Bruchsal |
31.03. - 02.04. |
GM Gokor Chivichyan (not a specialist instructor seminar, but enormous grappling know-how!) |
Vienna | 01.05. (Feiertag) | Specialist instructor (1 day*) |
Hennigsdorf (bei Berlin) | 25.05. (Feiertag) | Specialist instructor (1 day*) |
Munich | 27./28.05. | Specialist instructor seminar |
Vienna | 23.07. | Specialist instructor (1 day*) |
Heidelberg | 21./22.10. | Specialist instructor seminar |
Wuppertal | 28./29.10. | Specialist instructor seminar |
* 2 days attendance required for the specialist instructor qualification.
Who can take part respectively become BlitzFight-Specialist instructor?
Students from grade 6 upwards can take part, but those wishing to become specialist instructors must hold the 8th SG and be WT assistant instructors.
Please note
The name "BlitzFight" may only be used after gaining the specialist instructor qualification, i.e. with official permission from the EWTO! Its use is reserved for those who undergo further training in the specialist area and meet the quality requirements.
Look forward to the coming year!
Your GM Oliver König
Fotos: hm/mg